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Everything Is Connected Offers Various Services to Help Those in Need

Gone are the days of “drive-by” medicine with a “one-size-fits-all” approach… We offer individualized visits with Dr. Hutchins and Anna Marie and each will be customized to your individual needs. We will take the time necessary to help you find the best solution to your issues, no matter how complex.

We also offer Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation treatments for Parkinson’s, migraines, anxiety, working memory, major depression, or OCD.

Most blood draws can be done at our office, but some may need to be done at offsite laboratories. We will attempt to use your insurance as much as possible for labs, x-ray studies, and referrals. MDD and OCD treatments with TMS may be covered by your insurance.

couple walking outside
“What we want to do is create balance by looking at gastrointestinal function…adrenal support, and the amount of stress somebody is under—and how they’re balancing and managing that stress.”

– Dr. Margaret Christensen

Get Started With Functional Medicine Today