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Meet Anna Marie

Anna Marie Tschida, FMCHC

As a Functional Medicine Health Coach, I am in a unique position to help you realize the wellness goals set by your Functional Medicine practitioner. I like to tell people that “If change were easy, everyone would be doing it”. I will walk with you on your journey of wellness, helping you to come up with a plan and approach that works uniquely for you. Functional Medicine Health Coaches do not tell you what to do, but rather through a collaborative approach using multiple tools come up with a solution that works for your life and lifestyle. It is my privilege to help you improve your physical and mental health.

“Functional medicine practitioners really listen, they’re conscious, and try to make sense out of personal observations and experiences.”

– Jeffrey Bland, PhD, FACN

Anna Marie’s Personal Life

I am a Missoula native and the mother of 3 children (Braxton, Sam, and Collin) who were also raised here in Missoula. I received an MIS degree in 2000 and worked for a company of 200 and through 13 mergers over 19 years, it became a beast of 61,000 employees. I began to realize the stress I was under working for such a large corporation and that I wanted more out of life; I wanted to give back. It is in that part of my journey that I discovered Functional Medicine through managing my own autoimmune illness and then as fate would have it, was accepted to the Functional Medicine Coaching Academy and graduated in February of 2020.

Currently, I am the Secretary for a non-profit organization – Eleanor’s Project, which delivers wheelchairs to children in Peru. I also received the Family Advocate of the year award for people with disabilities in 2003.

I enjoy hiking, floating the river, snowshoeing, and generally any activity the weather allows (though I am not a big fan of the cold.) I also love playing with grandchildren and getting lost in the nuances of life, as it seems to me, that is where the joy resides.

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