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What is a Functional Medicine Practioner?

This is an MD/D0, Chiropractor, or Nutritionist who specializes in a deeper understanding of your chronic disease. They look at not only the symptoms of the disease but the root cause of the disease. For example, with diabetes, it is not just giving medications to lower blood sugars but also looking at what caused diabetes, in the first place, such as abnormal gut bacteria, resistance to leptin and/or insulin, reduced male or female hormones, or abnormal genetic SNP’s that increased your risk for diabetes and what steps are needed to reverse the cause of diabetes in the first place. This also applies to high blood pressure, heart disease, autoimmune disorders, obesity, etc.

As a Certified Functional Medicine MD how are you different from other MD/DO’s?

First off I am an Allopathic MD but I have had 6 years of training/studying of Functional Medicine provided by the Institute of Functional Medicine as well as a certification exam to prove my knowledge base. I will use a combination of Allopathic, Functional Medicine, and Herbal medicine together to optimize your health.

What is a small group visit?

At group visits, we will present a lecture regarding a medical topic to a small group of like-minded individuals and then meet individually with participants to determine how best to help.

Do you take insurance?

We are in-network providers for many insurances. We can order labs, x-rays, and referrals to other providers such as physical therapy or other specialists. Individual visits may be covered by insurance as described in the Insurance-based model on our fees page. If you choose the Optimal Wellness package, or pay-as-you-go, we will provide you with a Superbill to submit to your insurance for reimbursement. TMS may be covered by your insurance as well.

Do you take Medicare?

Those with original Medicare coverage can enroll with a membership as described in the Insurance-based model. Please see our fees page for details. PLEASE NOTE: We cannot take Medicare Advantage (MA) plans, only those with traditional Medicare.

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